Check in with your local N.C. Cooperative Extension agent to set up an appointment with us. Typical one-time consultations are about pests, vineyard development, strawberry indoor and outdoor production. If you have another topic of concern, reach out and we'll let you know what we can do to help.
We also are interested in long-term relationships with new and budding vineyard owners. If this is you, contact us!
Interested in predictive data? Our researchers can help you obtain data about your soon-to-be strawberry and grape yields. Click on our research tab to the left for more info!
The Very Berry Lab is proud to be a part of North Carolina's Cooperative Extension System. We offer year round workshops to help you produce to best smallfruits you possibly can.
New Grower
Pre-plant (late summer)
Frost protection (1-2x early spring)
Disease Workshops
New Growers (Nov-Dec)
Pruning (5x during the winter)
Disease Management
Pierce’s disease (1x during summer)
Spray Calibration
We work with private companies with a variety of missions and goals. Whether you want to put new cultivars to the test or experiment with chemicals, we can help.
Strawberries, wine grapes and muscadine are where we shine. We asses multiple components such as Components of Yield (CoY), berry quality and chemistry, disease evaluation, weed assessment, plant development, and flower mapping.
In field, our treatments begin at $2,500/ per treatment/ per season. We offer negotiable rates for indoor research on both strawberries and wine grapes.